Each week we conduct free "English Language Club" meetings for Russian youth.

During last year we discussed various topics, for instance:

  • Russia and Europe: political dimension
  • Differences between subcultures in Russia and Britain
  • Differences and Similarities in Relations between People and Domestic Animals in Russia and Britain
  • Royalty in 21st century
  • What do you know about Romania?!
  • Modern pop-culture – positive and negative aspects
  • etc

We carried out Seminar “Problems of Civil Society Development”
Outline of the seminar

  1. Civil society. Definition.
  2. The types of the organizations and associations who are in Civil Society
  3. Civic actions
  4. Resources of CS (financial & human)
  5. The different context of CS (political, social-economic, social-cultural, legal)
  6. The relation  state - CS (NGOs autonomy, the dialogue NGOs-State, the support of State)

Training Course
about "Curriculum Vitae writing"
Abilities developed during TC:

  1. Differences between Russian and English CV
  2. Context of English CV
  3. Advance your CV with EuroPass
  4. Advices and help with resume writing

Workshop on "Cross-cultural communication" in The State University – Higher School of Economics
The programme:

  1. What is Europe and where it ends?
  2. Culture of Russia VS Culture of Europe
  3. Cultural stereotypes and differences
  4. Russian Youth
  5. People and their life opportunities


телефон: +7 499 7556097