Each week we conduct free "English Language Club" meetings for Russian youth.
During last year we discussed various topics, for instance:
- Russia and Europe: political dimension
- Differences between subcultures in Russia and Britain
- Differences and Similarities in Relations between People and Domestic Animals in Russia and Britain
- Royalty in 21st century
- What do you know about Romania?!
- Modern pop-culture – positive and negative aspects
- etc
We carried out Seminar “Problems of Civil Society Development”
Outline of the seminar
- Civil society. Definition.
- The types of the organizations and associations who are in Civil Society
- Civic actions
- Resources of CS (financial & human)
- The different context of CS (political, social-economic, social-cultural, legal)
- The relation state - CS (NGOs autonomy, the dialogue NGOs-State, the support of State)
Training Course about "Curriculum Vitae writing"
Abilities developed during TC:
- Differences between Russian and English CV
- Context of English CV
- Advance your CV with EuroPass
- Advices and help with resume writing
Workshop on "Cross-cultural communication" in The State University – Higher School of Economics
The programme:
- What is Europe and where it ends?
- Culture of Russia VS Culture of Europe
- Cultural stereotypes and differences
- Russian Youth
- People and their life opportunities